Audio, Video, Disco

Audio, Video, Disco - Latin for "I hear, I see, I learn"

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Curly Wee

There are die hard fans of Curly Wee (me included), but there are many who think the rhyming is strained, and that the comic strips are, to say the least, not one bit funny. Where's the fun in Curly Wee, many, including my father, have always asked. Well, the stories are, I must admit, not funny. Not like a Daffy Duck or Bugs Bunny comic strip. But I think the accusation that the rhyming is no great shakes is a bit unfair. After all the stories were written for children. One shouldn't be looking for something high in literary value in a kiddies story. Anyway, despite the fact that I am an avid reader, and read a wide variety of books, I still do dip into Curly Wee every now and then. Nostalgia? Maybe.
Most readers of Curly Wee mention Gussie Goose, the goose with an insatiable appetite, whose loyalty to Curly Wee is unyielding.But my favourite characters are Cuthbert Colt, the well meaning but daft colt, Pat Porker and Michael Mouse.
The Madras Mail not only carried Curly Wee comic strips, but brought out annuals (in colour) as well. The Mail thanked the author Maud Budden and the artist Roland Clibborn and Newspaper Features Ltd., for "much kind assistance" in producing the annuals.
We had most of the annuals brought out by the Madras Mail. Sadly, some years ago, a cousin lent some of them to a friend, and they were never seen again, an experience I always have when books are lent. Thankfully we still have three annuals with us. Each annual has three stories. Here are some of the stories that our annuals have:
(1)Curly And The Ugly Kid
(2)Jack Rabbit And The Monkey
(3)Mr.Fox's Cook
(1)The Mouse Mix-Up
(2)Frost In Fur And Feather LAnd
(3) The Baby Rabbit
(1)Pat Porker And The Smugglers
(2) The Great Election
(3)The Proud Buns


At 4:18 AM, Blogger Holger Haase said...

Wow, interesting additions to the current boom in Curly Wee postings!!! I wonder when "Count Curly Wee" will show up as one of the most popular Google search terms. :-)

At 1:15 AM, Blogger PBK said...

I am a die hard fan of Curly Wee for the past 60 yrs,I have originally pasted in a scrap book the old Curly Wees and then scanned them and saved them.But some of the storied are missing.The Fox's Aunt and The Rabbits Holiday at the Grand Hotel.I would love to hear from any one having them.I am ready to swap or sell some of my collections
Chennai India

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Joan said...

Yearning for a piece of my childhood to share with my expected grandchild. So PLEASE if anyone out there has any Curly Wee's for sale contact me at: .... Pretty Please. Joan

At 4:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

If anyone knows where i can an annual/ book, please please mail me at I remember having a copy as a child and if I'm not mistaken the copy I had was during the war. Please anyone??

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Fabiola Jacob said...

I have the third annual that you have mentioned here!!! The great election is one of my favourites!!! It's from my parent's and grandparents' collection :)

At 4:19 AM, Blogger PBK said...

I just got this blog.U have digitaliosed modt of the Curly Wee strips adding what I had downloaded fron the google archives to what I had and supplemented by Dvid Humphreys of the UK. To complete the collection I need 9880 t0 10040 of the first Artist and 1 to 480 of the second artist.Please provide contact me

At 8:31 AM, Blogger PBK said...

Further to mw earlier postings I have acquired from the Irish Independent archives most of the strips by the first artist. I need 151 to 480 of the second artist . Ready to share my collection via Dropbox in exchange for the missing strips in my collection

At 8:32 AM, Blogger PBK said...

Further to mw earlier postings I have acquired from the Irish Independent archives most of the strips by the first artist. I need 151 to 480 of the second artist . Ready to share my collection via Dropbox in exchange for the missing strips in my collection


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